About the Pilot Project

Information Technologies (IT) are broadly applied in service delivery and daily operations of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the Social Welfare Sector (the Sector). There are hundreds of IT systems implemented and in use currently.


To raise the NGOs’ awareness and knowledge of IT security and enhance their IT security, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) has been carrying out a pilot project, namely “Pilot Project of Information Technology Security Audit for Non-governmental Organizations of the Welfare Sector in Hong Kong” (the Pilot Project), for 22 participating NGOs.


In this Pilot Project, an IT security practice guide for the Sector will be compiled; IT security training (for management, general staff and IT staff) will be provided to the pilot NGOs; related information about this Pilot Project and IT security will be shared on an online platform; this Pilot Project will be evaluated on its effectiveness; and a study for a full-scale security audit project will be conducted by the end of this Pilot Project.


Partcipating NGOs


Security Training Hours


Scan Applications


Training Participants